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Power your network with the industry’s leading data platform that knows where your vehicles were, are, and will be next.

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Swiftly's Connected Transit Platform helps transit agencies to monitor real-time performance, analyze transit data, create highly accurate real-time information for passengers, and to ultimately drive measurable outcomes for riders and staff. Trusted by 150+ cities worldwide, Swiftly helps boost on-time performance, improve prediction accuracy, reduce costs, and more, leveraging Motive's high-fidelity GPS location data to deliver the industry's most accurate information about where a vehicle was, is, and where it will be next.

Benefits of Motive integration into Swiftly:
  • All vehicles can be tracked at a minimum of every 5 seconds in the Swiftly dashboard
  • All ETAs are reflective of fast-updating GPS information
  • Outages in secondary AVL or assignment information sources are protected through redundancy, as Swiftly can combine multiple sources
  • Complete and accurate historical performance data

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