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Beyond Transport

Real-time vehicle GPS and driver HOS synchronization for better visibility and fleet management.

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Support Contact

(630) 755-0225


The integration of Beyond Transport with Motive offers customers the following features: 

  • Real-time GPS Location Updates: Consistent map updates reflecting the real-time location of the vehicle.
  • Vehicle Odometer Updates: Update the odometer reading of the vehicles and alert if any scheduled maintenance is due around that mileage.
  • Driver's Hours of Service Updates: Ongoing updates regarding the driver's duty status, drive time, shift time, cycle time, and time until the break period.

Additional Details

**Motive Subscription Level: Starter, Pro or Enterprise**

 The customer can activate the integration in two ways: 

  • By clicking the link on Beyond Transport's "Preferences->Safety->Eld Integrations" section or through Motive's "App Marketplace" tile.
  • Once the customer has been authenticated on Motive, they will be redirected to Beyond Transport where they will need to click on the "Add integration" button. 
  • After the integration is complete, they will have to assign their Motive vehicle/driver IDS to the appropriate trucks/drivers.


Support Contact

(630) 755-0225